Logic Pro x is enjoyed for its diverse and extensive range of plugins and virtual instruments, making it one of the most popular DAWs around. Despite the popularity of logic pro x, many of its stock plugins can be overlooked in favour of 3rd party options, particularly when it comes to vocals. In this article we share with you our thoughts on the best logic pro x plugins for vocals. Whether you are a total newbie or a veteran user, this article should have something new for you to incorporate into your vocal production.

Audio FX - Dynamics
The Multipressor is Logics flagship multi-band compression tool. What is multi-band compression I hear you ask? Well essentially it's a type of compressor that allows you to separately process different frequency bands of the audio. This is extremely useful when you just want to compress a specific part of a sound (You may want to compress the low-end frequencies of an instrument and leave the higher frequencies alone, or vice-versa).
Multi-band compression is great for vocals as it gives you full control over how the compression behaves across the different frequencies of the voice. This allows you to zero-in on any harsh qualities of the vocal such as sibilance, plosives or boomy/boxy frequencies and deal with them individually.
Once identified You can and set the compressor threshold accordingly so that the gain reduction reduces the undesirable qualities of the vocal. We recommend using the Multipressor as the first step in your vocal chain to smooth over any harshness or unwanted elements of the vocal before moving forward with further processing.-
Processing your vocals with multi-band compression before creating a voice with Controlla Voice will help the voice to sound smoother and more tonally consistent.

Sample Delay
Audio FX - Delay
The sample delay plugin is easy to miss alongside the more creative delay plugins of logic pro x. This plugin functions differently to the others as it simply gives you the ability to delay either to right or left channels of the audio for up to 250 milliseconds. Whilst this may not seem very interesting on the surface, it can be extremely useful when mixing and blending together multiple voices or vocal layers.
The sample delay plugin can be used to add width and separation to vocals, and for creating space when you have multiple vocal layers.If you are doubling tracking a lead vocal you can throw a sample delay on one of the layers and delay either the left/right side by a few milliseconds to create a wider and thicker effect on the vocals.
When working with backing vocals, pan the backing vocal track to the left/right by 3 units. Use the sample delay plugin and delay the opposite side to which you panned by up to 10-30 milliseconds. The more milliseconds you delay the signal by the wider and more separated the backing vocals will sound. The simplicity and effectiveness of the sample delay as a vocal mixing tool makes it one of the best logic pro x plugins for vocals.

Audio FX - Reverb
Logic’s ChromaVerb has been with us since 2018, and in that time it has proven itself to be an efficient and easy-to-use reverb plugin.
ChromaVerb is perfect for vocalists, as there are a range of different spaces that the user can quickly switch between, making it easy to find the right reverb for your voice. There is no need to waste any time fiddling around with complicated settings, simply find a preset that works for you and sing to your heart's content.
When working with AI voice swaps, reverb can be used to make the voice more realistic and blend in more effectively with the instrumental.

Vintage EQ Collection
Audio FX - EQ
The vintage eq collection is another plugin which may fly under-the-radar next to some of the other EQ plugins found in logic pro x, but there is nothing better when it comes to adding warmth and character to your vocals.
Modelled on classic analog EQ tools, this plugin comes in 3 types - Vintage console EQ, Vintage graphic EQ and Vintage Tube EQ, each offering a different sonic flavour. The vintage eq collection is perfect for vocals that feel lacking in colour or personality. Load in one of the 3 EQs and explore the range of vocal presets until you find one that gives the desired effect. You also have multiple output model options to select from, and users can choose from silky, punchy or smooth outputs to give a different tonal quality to the vocals.
You will find that the vintage eq collection sounds a lot more musical than some of the digital counterparts found in logic pro x such as the channel eq or linear phase eq, so this may be the missing ingredient you have been looking for.

Pitch Correction
Audio FX - Pitch
Logics native pitch correction plugin offers you a simple yet effective method of controlling minor pitching issues in your vocal recordings. Whilst Logic's pitch correction lacks the flexibility of a 3rd party option such as Antares Auto-Tune, it's incredibly useful for rapid fixes or if you want to quickly tighten up a vocal performance.
This plugin works by analysing the incoming audio and correcting the pitch of the audio to the nearest note so your vocals will still need to be sung more-or-less correctly. The pitch correction plugin works best when it is set in the correct key of your song, so consider using a key-finder app if you don't know what key you are in.
You can use a longer response time for a more natural sounding pitch correction, or lower the response time for a fully dialled up robotic auto-tune effect.
- You can use pitch correction to tune up your vocals before uploaing them to Controll Voice for voice swapping.

Audio FX - Amps & Pedals
At first glance it would appear that logic’s amps and pedals section is only useful for guitars. Dig a little bit deeper however and you will find a range of tools that offer exciting creative possibilities when applied to vocals. The pedalboard in particular is one such tool.
The pedalboard plugin gives users access to a virtual guitar pedalboard, with effects such as distortion, overdrive, wah-wah, reverbs, chorus and delays. Whilst some of these may sound unconventional for use on vocals, they can give a unique character to the vocals which are perfect for genres such as indie, rock or metal.
As well as directly processing your vocals with pedalboard as an insert, we also recommend using the pedalboard as an fx send to add dreamy reverb and delay textures to your vocals.

Tape Delay
Audio FX - Delay
The stock logic tape delay is a simple delay plugin with a warm and pleasant sound. Tape delay emulates the sound of vintage tape echo, making it a perfect complement to vocals in any genre.
This plugin is great for creating rhythmic delays, and can be used to add a sense of dimension to otherwise lifeless vocals. Consider playing with the delay time and feedback controls to find the perfect delay setting for your singing style.
Thanks for checking out this article on the best logic pro x plugins for vocals. Hopefully you will find these tips useful for enhancing your vocal production workflow.
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