Ensuring precise and accurate pitch can be one of the most challenging parts of recording vocals, and there are many common scenarios where vocal pitch will drift astray during a recording session. Sometimes we may need to comprise perfect pitching in order to get the right emotion and intensity level that a song requires. Other times we may be recording multiple voices at once for backing vocals, and the different voices just aren't quite matching up. In these instances it can be a lifesaver to have a trusted pitch correction tool at your disposal to help remedy these problems.
In this article we take a look at some of the best pitch correction plugins for vocals.

Celemony - Melodyne
Melodyne from Celemony is perhaps one of the best plugins for vocals thanks to its powerful application, ease of use and ability to seamlessly process multiple vocal lines at once. Melodyne works by “scanning” your audio and analysing all the pitch of every note in the performance. Once analyzed, each note is shown on a grid view in the plugin UI, and can then be corrected to the desired pitch. Typically we will just be tidying up some vocals that are flat/sharp and correcting them to the correct note. Users can however select any note from within a vocal performance and move it up or down in pitch to their heart's content, leading to some interesting results when pushed to its extreme.
There are several processing modes to choose from in Melodyne, each with a tonal different tonal character. Another great feature of Melodyne is that it adds some slight harmonic distortion with its process, which can give vocals a rich and slightly futuristic quality. This effect can be made more extreme by using heavier pitch correction, with a very low pitch drift setting.

Antares Autotune
Autotune from Antares is a classic vocal pitch correction plugin that has had a lasting influence on modern music, perhaps more so than any other plugin! When it comes to vocal pitch correction, Autotune sets the standard and is frequently seen as the go-to plugin for all things vocal. Auto Tune has a range of features available, including standard pitch correction, as well as more creative effects such as adding harmonies. Much like with Melodyne, Autotune uses a precise visual grid that lets you tweak your vocals to perfection.
Auto Tune is well known for its use in hip-hop, and is the perfect complement to melodic rapping when dialed up to its more heavy settings. This plugin is available for direct purchase or by monthly subscription, meaning that you can access this amazing tool without having to fork out everything at once, perfect for bedroom producers and independent artists!

Waves Tune Real-Time
Waves Tune from Waves is another industry standard vocal pitch correction plugin. This plugin offers a superb real-time pitch correction engine and is great for use both in the studio and for live performance.
Waves Tune has a range of useful features for precise pitch control such as the waveform overview and piano roll. You have full control over the level of vocal processing and can easily switch from a more natural sound to a more artificial one. The plugin is quite complex so you will need to invest time in learning how to best make use of its functions.
- Applying a gentle amount of pitch correction on your vocal tracks before uploading them to Controllavoice for a smoother and more realistic sound.

Logic - Pitch Correction
Logics’ stock pitch correction plugin is a simple yet effective tool for applying pitch correction to your vocals. Pitch correction works by correcting the pitch of the input audio to the closest note, meaning that it works best on vocals which are mostly in tune already.
The user can choose which notes to have on/off, allowing you to select the exact notes used in your vocal melody. There are also a range of presets that will cycle through the different musical scales (major & minor) which can help you to find the perfect setting for your song.
The response time dictates how heavy the effect will sound, so use a longer response time for a more natural sound, and a shorter one for a more extreme autotune effect.

Melda - MAutioPitch
MAutoPitch is a free plugin that offers automatic tuning and pitch correction that is great for vocals. This plugin works in a similar way to Logics’ stock pitch, with the user being able to select from different musical scale presets.
MAutoPitch is excellent for adding a creative flair to your vocal tracks, thanks to its in-built formant shift and stereo effects. There is also a randomiser button that will randomise every parameter of the plugin, leading to wild and exciting results. Simply hit the dice icon and see how your sound is transformed.
MAutoPitch is available for free download as part of the Melda M FreeFX bundle, making it a great option for beginner producers and artists. You can use MAutoPitch to become more familiar with pitch correction tools before moving to one of the more advanced tools featured on this list.
That brings us to the end of our list of the best pitch correction plugins for vocals. Thanks for checking out this post and have fun trying out these vocal plugins in your next production.